
This page sets out what we have done to make this site accessible

We have tried to make this site accessible to as wide a range of people as as we can. We have followed technology best practice where possible to achieve this.The site should work on all modern browsers and should still be usable on older browsers, although it may not look as good as it should.We have tried to use clear and simple language throughout to make site easy to understand and use.The pages of this site are made in a semantic way, that means the page structure is clear even when styling is turned off. We’ve used relative sizes for text so you can easily make the text larger or smaller using your browser’s zoom options (usually under the ‘View’ menu). We’ve used techniques to ensure that the site will work even if you don’t have the latest technologies.All images should have alternative text so that if you turn off images or have a spoken browser, you’ll still be able to read the content.If you experience any problems with the website please do contact us and we will do our best to fix it. The BBC has an excellent guide on accessibility and to make your computer and web browser work for you.

The technical bit

We have followed the same browser policy as Google to make the site work on the current and previous version of each major browser. We have tested the site with Chrome 44, Safari 8, Firefox 39, Internet Explorer 9. We have tested the site using the W3C HTML validator and website accessibility validators such as WAVE.